What we liked about Bonfire Night

So what did we like about bonfire night (well not really bonfire night, more Saturday night with a bonfire)?

1. That we got invited to the the farm.

Our original plan involved looking out of our windows at other peoples fireworks. As it happens, my boss (and friend), invited us to a bonfire they were having at the farm. As we had no plans, we thought ‘why not’. By the time I finished work, Daddy was arriving with the boys in the car and the fire was being lit. Exciting times.

Bonfire night
Bonfire night fun

2. The fireworks

You never really know how babies and toddlers are going to be with fireworks do you? They’ve either never been around them before or when they get older each year, they’ve changed so much that you just don’t know how they’ll react. Well I must say I was impressed with my two. Rory snuggled comfortably in the baby carrier with wide eyes taking it all in. Seth was  . He was doing a little firework dance.

3. The fire

There was an impressive amount of fuel for the fire and although we left quite early to get the boys to bed, the fire was in fact still burning when I left work almost 24 hours later. Rory slept for a while in the baby carrier and I managed to grab a few moments here and there staring at the fire. There’s just something about a fire; open fires, wood burning stoves, camp fires, I love them all. This fire was in a stove especially made for burning things on the farm so it was nice and contained with the flames dancing out of the top.

Bonfire food

4. The food (and drink)

It just isn’t bonfire night without a potato pie supper. We went back for two lots with all the trimmings. Delicious! I contributed a Parkin that went down really well and we also tested out homemade bonfire toffee (all fillings thankfully intact!)

5. That it didn’t rain

With some really torrential downpours all day Saturday… and then again all day Sunday and most of Monday, we were really lucky with the weather. It didn’t rain. Who could have seen that one coming?

Thank you Cottams Farm for a really fab bonfire night. Xxx

Life Unexpected

7 thoughts on “What we liked about Bonfire Night

    1. What a great post. I also did some of these things to prepare Seth as he’s never really seen them before. We did artwork, looked and listened to them in the distance, talked about when and where we were going in advance. I think it all helped towards him being used to the idea before arriving on the night x #whatevertheweather


  1. Aww, such a lovely night! Yay for baby carriers, to snuggle up nice and cosy in! It’s amazing how they are actually ok with the noise! We had ear defenders with us, but littlest didn’t want them and happily watched the fireworks from the carrier. I should really have taken O in his first two years too, but thought it would be too much for a baby, silly me! Jealous of that Parkin, looks yummy!
    Thanks for linking up to #Whatevertheweather 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love firework night. It sounds like you had a really good time. I love big open fires outdoors too. They’re so cosy. The parkin looks so delicious. I wish I was a bit handier in the kitchen. It’s so good that your little ones enjoyed the fireworks. It really is so hit and miss isn’t it. xxx


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